How to Improve Your Closet Systems Design

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When you’re designing a home for a client, one of the most important parts to get right is the closet. A well-organized closet gives people plenty of space to store all their clothes and accessories, while a poorly organized one makes it hard for them to find what they need. Our team at Residential Building Specialties, Inc. has extensive experience in designing closet systems, and in this article, we will share a few tips on how to improve your results.

How to Improve Your Closet Systems Design

  • Visibility- One key principle to follow when designing closet systems is that as much as possible should be visible. Being able to see all your clothes makes it easier to choose outfits and get dressed, and greater visibility will also help your clients cut down on unnecessary shopping because they’ll be able to find what they need at all times.
  • Space- Another good guideline to improve your closet systems is to make use of all the available space, including the space toward the ceiling and floor. These harder-to-reach areas make an ideal spot to store offseason items, or clothes or accessories that have more sentimental value than actual usefulness.
  • Suitability- A third thing to do when designing closet systems is to get to know your clients, their wardrobes, and their habits when it comes to shopping, laundry, and clothes in general. Then, design the closet to suit these needs, rather than having your clients try to change their routine, as this will work out better in the long run and provide a better solution.