Using Closet Systems to Maximize Storage Space

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One of the top things people look for when shopping for a new home is storage space. If you want to make your new construction home or apartment building attractive to buyers or tenants, then you should try to provide as much storage as possible. One of the most effective ways to do this is to install closet systems that will allow the future residents to make effective use of the entire space. In this article, our team at Residential Building Specialties, Inc. will go over some tips on how to do this.

One of the things you need to consider when designing closet systems

  • Doors. One of the things you need to consider when designing closet systems is the closet door. An inward swinging door limits the available storage space, and other types, such as sliding doors, make up to 50 percent of the space inaccessible. In our opinion here at RBS, the best pick for closet doors are bi-swing hinged doors, which allow access to 90 percent of the space, or pocket doors, which allow access to 100 percent.
  • Space vs. Storage Space. Just because a closet is big doesn’t mean tenants can use that space effectively. For example, a 10’ x 10’ closet with one layer of shelving on the walls has less usable storage space than a 6’ X 10’ closet with two. In the first closet, there are 16 square feet of space in the center than can’t be used for anything, while in the second there are only 12. When designing closet systems, make sure you’re taking advantage of as much available wall space as possible.
  • Configuration. Another big consideration when it comes to creating closet systems is finding the best configuration. The future homeowner needs to be able to move freely in their closet, so think about how to leave enough space for them to do so while putting the rest to work—would an L-shape be best? Two facing walls? Wraparound? How much of the closet do you want to devote to single vs. double hang, or drawers and shelving? Careful thought about these questions will help you optimize your closet system design, but if you’d like further tips, you can always call our team at RBS.